Saturday, October 1, 2011

Autumn Glories

I love Fall colors!! Just before the leaves fall and die, the Lord gives us a beautiful display of His handiwork, reminding us that He loves us and is still caring for us.

Here's a collection I made of handmade items from various Artfire shops that reflect those glorious colors.


P.I.C.'s by Breanna said...

So do I!!! :)
That is a neat collection you made! I really liked the photo cards (2nd to last)!!!
Hope your Fall is amazing!! :)

Texas Type A Mom said...

My house used to be decorating in exclusively fall colors. I've been slowly branching out and trying to incorporate other colors but I still love all the oranges and reds!

Miss Sarah said...

Breanna, aren't those cards beautiful! She does such nice work (like you do :))

Texas Type A Mom, thanks for commenting! You're home must be pretty with those colors! :)