Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Cookie Cutter Guy

Have you ever looked for a specific cookie cutter and couldn't find it? Have you ever wished for a unique cookie cutter for a special occasion? Look no further! Sandy at The Cookie Cutter Guy has about about any kind of cookie cutter that you might want, and if she don't have the exact one you're looking for, you can request a custom creation!

How and when did you become interested in your craft?
I started making them about a year ago.  You will note that those listed are commercially made.  We do make custom cutters when ever possible.  I started making them because so many were asking me for special cutters that just can't be found.  It took some research for me to find a way to attach the ends.  The kits you buy just use sticky tape that doesn't last.  I found a tiny riveter (the price wasn't so tiny).  I now use it to permanently attach the ends.

What inspired you to open your shop? 
I opened my shop simply because I had a ton of cookie cutters sitting here all Winter when our seasonal store is closed.  It seemed like a good idea to get them online.

Where did your shop name come from?
Cookie Cutter Guy came about because this was supposed to be my husband's baby.  That lasted about 5 minutes as he made a stab at figuring out Art Fire.  It rapidly became my job.  It was actually a happy little accident!

What inspires you to create your work?
I just love to create.   The cookie cutters are inspired mostly by folks requests. 

In your opinion, what sets you apart from the rest?
We carry the largest variety of cookie cutters on Art Fire and Etsy.  Adding the custom order option makes our list infinite!

Do you take custom orders? If so, how do they work?
Custom orders are the foundation of my creativity when it comes to cookie cutters.  If others don't give me ideas I stagnate!

Describe your creative process.
As soon as someone requests a custom cutter I start looking for a design I can use to create it.  All I need is a rough outline.  Many times the person requesting the cutter provides me with their idea.  The part I find the hardest is finding the right things to bend the metal with.  I have collected a large supply of different sized circles and angles.

What is the most exciting thing that has happened since you've started?
I had an order for 200 cutters once.  That was thrilling.  It's never happened again.

Why do you do what you do?
I just love to make things with my hands.  I can't stand to just sit and watch TV.  It seems like a complete waste of time so there is always a project or two - or three - waiting to be finished.

What advice would you give someone new to online selling?
Find something you love to do, and do well.   There is a lot of competition on the Internet so you will have to find something special that makes your work different and desirable.

Anything else you'd like to share with our readers?
Cookie cutters are just one my talents.  My first love is beading.  I love to make jewelry.  Unfortunately, jewelry doesn't sell well these days.  There are way too many great beaders and metal smiths selling online.   I also love crocheting.  I've just started making hats to sell online.  If they sell, they will probably replace my jewelry shops.

In addition to these shops, you can also find Sandy at her blog, on Twitter, or in her Vintage shop. She is one busy and talented lady, and she's even offering my readers a 10% coupon! Just use the coupon BLOGDISCOUNT at checkout to receive the discount. This coupon is good through the end of April. Go check out her shop and see what else you can find!


luvncrafts said...

So neat to meet the person behind "cookie cutter guy". I keep seeing those cookie cutters on artfire. Have some hotlisted to buy some day. Might just have to take advantage of that promo code!! They are so cute!!
The jewelry and hats are beautiful too.

Sandy said...

Thank you so much for featuring our shop! It is so great to see my things somewhere besides Etsy and Art Fire! Very nice blog you have here.